October 2020 Newsletter

  From the Executive Manager's Desk: Gail Madziar

  • Where you are now, and where you want to be

  • Your likes, dislikes, passions, strengths, skills, experience and personality, and how closely they align with your chosen job

  • Your short-term and long-term career goals

  • Any skills, qualifications and experience you might still need to acquire

  • The current labor market, where the work is, and any other job requirements you might need to research. 

Define your career goals and write out the steps needed to reach those goals. This way you can see how you are progressing. If you are new to the industry the IAP2 September Special Webinar Starting Your Career in P2  may prove helpful. Share it with someone who may be interested.

Once you've defined your goals and identified the steps, determine your tactics. Do you need additional education, training or specialized instruction? Are you taking advantage of the opportunities at IAP2 USA and other organizations? Our IAP2 Foundations courses offer premier training in the public participation field. They are available from a number of authorized trainers. 

While instruction methods are temporarily limited, you can take advantage of numerous online courses and webinars at a variety of cost structures. In addition, mark your calendar for IAP2 USA’s North American Conference scheduled for September in Seattle, Washington. While we can’t predict the course of the virus and therefore guarantee an in person conference, we can assure you an outstanding educational opportunity come next September.  

Take advantage of the resources offered on IAP2’s web pages. Prioritize your goals. Then think about developing a well-rounded professional development plan for the next twelve months. 


Time to Update your Professional Development Plan

by: Gail Madziar, Executive Manager, IAP2 USA

A successful career takes time, effort and planning. The pandemic has shifted our goals and opportunities, but that makes it a great time to review your professional development plan. Your blueprint should include a summary of your ambitions, objectives and goals. According to the global talent solutions company, Hudson, a career development plan is designed to outline your interests, values and skills, and to help you think about:


  2020 Core Values Awards: Winners Announced

Congratulations 2020 IAP2 USA Core Values Awards Winners: The Embodiment of Meaningful Public Participation

The City of Flagstaff, AZ and the Southside Community Association won the 2020 IAP2 USA Core Values Award in General Project and Project of the Year categories for their project, Embracing Our Heritage; Enhancing Our Future: The Southside Community Specific Plan.

Prosper Portland and JLA Public Involvement the 2020 IAP2 USA Core Values Award in the Diversity, Inclusion and Culture Category.

The project, Reconnecting past and future: Community engagement shapes redevelopment in Portland's Historic Old Town Chinatown was initiated by Prosper Portland, the City of Portland’s development bureau. 

Honorable mention was awarded to the Arizona Department of Environmental Quality in the Diversity, Inclusion and Culture Project of the Year Category for their project entitled Arizona Assumption of the Clean Water Act Section 404 Dredge and Fill Program. Read More

News from IAP2 International

In a letter from International president Kyle Cochran, she outlines the latest news on the harmonisation process. Read it here.

2021 Online Courses: Built to Meet your Needs

IAP2 USA thanks you all for staying with us as we've adapted our professional development courses to online learning this year. We want to make sure all of your needs are being met, so please help us make sure our 2021 courses meet your expectations.

Please take a moment to complete this very short 5 question survey.

  Take Survey

Featured Course: Deliberative Dialogue

Nov. 12 & 13

11:00 am - 2:30 pm EST

Trainer: Susanna Haas Lyons

Join us for an interactive session, where you'll learn to cultivate informed and thoughtful public discussion in this age of polarized debate. In this course you’ll learn techniques to help participants learn about an issue, create space for in-depth deliberation and generate detailed feedback on public policy options.

We’ll explore three popular methods for dialogue-based public deliberation on public policy issues: Citizen Juries, the 21st-Century Town Hall, and Deliberative Polling. You’ll have the opportunity to develop discussion questions, consider key agenda elements for deliberative meetings, as well as discuss outreach strategies to involve diverse participants.


  Complete 2020 Training Schedule

Other News

Member Spotlight

If your organization  had any recent P2 successes or thought of creative solutions we want to hear about it! Please contact info@iap2usa.org to be featured on our website or newsletter.

COVID-19 Resources

If you are looking for guidance on how to safely reopen your next event, The ESA Reopening guide offers a great checklist.

**We continue to add more resources to help you adjust to the new virtual world. Check out our favorite online tips and tools here. **

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