October 2021 Newsletter

From the Executive Manager's Desk - Why IAP2 USA Membership?

October 2021 Message: Gail Madziar, Executive Manager, IAP2 USA

If you have a hobby, a career choice or even an interest, there is an association for you. You can join anything from the Vintage Radio and Phonograph Society to the National Funeral Directors Association to the Toy Industry Association. And then there are organizations catering to two of my favorite treats, the American Wine Society and the Fine Chocolate Industry Association. I personally belong to the American Society for Association Professionals which is an association for association people. The IRS sums it up this way: “In general, an association is a group of persons banded together for a specific purpose.”

I am a career association professional and have worked for Chiropractors, Realtors, Construction contractors, Bankers, Librarians and now Public Participation professionals. Like many folks, I didn’t know IAP2 existed until I had the good fortune to run across a job posting for Executive Manager. Once I started researching the organization, I realized I had stumbled upon a group that was a perfect fit for both my values and experience....

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IAP2 USA’s Commitment to Inclusion

By Erin Zimmerman

Strategic Development Manager


Last month we hosted the 10th Annual North American Conference. Thank you to everyone who attended, volunteered, sponsored, and presented. While it was a successful event, IAP2 must acknowledge a significant error. 

Unfortunately, we made a hurtful mistake and scheduled the conference during Yom Kippur, the holiest day of the year in Judaism. This was an unintended action that unfortunately was hurtful and negatively impacted many of our members. IAP2 acknowledges that it is unacceptable to disregard significant cultural and religious holidays of minority groups. 

On behalf of IAP2 NAC Steering committee, program committee, and staff, we apologize for causing harm and are committed to learning from this experience. We have taken steps to prevent similar mistakes in the future. This includes adding an event protocol to check all holidays prior to scheduling major events and trainings, adding an additional step in the conference work plan to review dates with global holiday calendars, and debriefing this with our DEI committee and steering committee. 

We are grateful for our members who graciously brought this to our attention. Thank you for holding us accountable. We believe it is important to admit when we mess up and work toward repair. IAP2 encourages members and the community to continue to shine light on how we can continue to do better on our journey towards equitable inclusivity.

To share ideas and concerns, please reach out to Erin Zimmermann at erin@iap2usa.org 


IAP2 NAC Steering Committee and Staff

IAP2 USA's DEI Statement

Colorado chapter’s book club discusses racism

With a goal of supporting our members who seek an opportunity to introspectively examine racism in themselves and our society, the Colorado Chapter of IAP2 is hosting a book club. Using “So You Want to Talk About Race” by Ijeoma Oluo, the book discussion group has been meeting since July and will continue through November. The idea for the club evolved from an event the chapter had at the end of last year titled “The Race, Equity and Public Participation Conversation.” More than 30 professionals who work with municipal and state agencies, utilities, and universities, as well as consultants joined the conversation, and their top request following the event was for the chapter to offer a book club on racism. The book club has involved a small group, providing an intimate and un-intimidating way to discuss and learn about this issue.

Get Involved Volunteer and Engagement Opportunities with IAP2 USA

2022 Call for Volunteers

The 2022 Call for Volunteers is now open! Take advantage of the opportunity to make a difference in the P2 community. Develop your leadership skills and grow your professional network by volunteering to serve on a committee or task force. If you're interested in growing personally or professionally, we have a place for you.

2022 Committee appointments run from February 1, 2022 through December 31, 2022.
Volunteer by 12/17/2021 

Looking for ways to further your career, get up on the latest trends, enhance your network, create professional relationships, or contribute to your P2 community? We encourage you to explore the many avenues available to connect with your IAP2 USA and your colleagues.

Details and committee descriptions

Who is Eligible?

All IAP2 USA members are eligible to participate and volunteer on a committee or task force. Nonmembers interested in volunteering are welcome to join the association online.

Why should I volunteer?

Volunteering will help you take charge of your career and broaden your knowledge. You can gain access to current events in your career area or take advantage of a safe space to learn about other areas while you have a chance to enhance your leadership skills. It’s also a great way to just have some fun while meeting new people.

Volunteer Application

2022 North American Confrence - Call for Subcommittee Members

Want to make next year’s NAC great? We need YOU to volunteer for our important subcommittees.

Program Committee

This committee creates the call for session proposals, looks through proposals from cutting-edge practitioners, and decides what conference-goers will learn. You’ll spend a few quick but intense months that will have a lasting impact on the practices of our colleagues. We’re looking for diverse viewpoints and lenses on the practice.

If you think another committee can benefit from your gifts additional conference committees are listed here. 

If you want to be part of the planning for the 2022 IAP2 North American Conference (Sept. 14 - 16 in Banff), the volunteer deadline has been extended to November 10. 

If you have any questions please contact volunteer@iap2canada.ca.

Job description and application

Certification Registration Deadline - Extended to November 1

Friday was the last day to register for for the February 25 - 26, 2022 Certified Public Participation Professional CP3 and MCP3 Virtual Assessment Center, but we will accept applications until Monday, November 1. Please let us know if you need more time. 

Certification as a Public Participation professional acknowledges your adherence to a strict set of standards recognized around the world for delivering quality, meaningful public participation. It is the premier credential for public participation professionals.

The Certified Public Participation Practitioner (CP3) level competencies represent the knowledge, attitudes, beliefs, skills, behaviors, and capabilities that are indispensable to every public participation professional

To join a select number of colleagues a three-step process is used to assess candidates’ knowledge and skills:

  • Step One – Submit your Application and Professional Portfolio to to gail@iap2usa.org.

  • Step Two – Preparation and submission of a Public Participation Plan in response to a case study

  • Step Three – Preparation for and participation in an Assessment Center.

Prepare your CP3 application form and email to gail@iap2usa.org. If you have any questions please contact us.

Featured Course - Leading Productive Groups in Public Participation 

November 9&10

11:30 am - 2:30 p.m. Eastern

Presented by Connected Realities

Joy Lujan

Groups are composed of people and people are complicated, which often makes leading groups challenging and confusing.

This course is designed to help you learn and apply principles that will enable you to successfully lead a collaborative group effort more easily and effectively. 

Collaborative processes often involve assembling ad-hoc groups or teams of people to work together on a challenge or opportunity. Planners and facilitators must bring people together around important issues working to effectively find solutions and accomplish tasks. 

Le'alani S. Boykin

Participants will:

  • Recognize specific challenges in group processes, and apply creative and sustainable tools for conflict transformation.
  • Evaluate your personal role in encouraging and inhibiting positive group behavior and growth.
  • Recognize how individual and interpersonal differences show up in groups and learn how to employ differences to the group’s advantage. 
  • Demonstrate proven facilitation techniques that encourage participation across differences, including constructive communication, co-creative participation, inspired visioning, and authentic engagement.
  • Learn to engage diverse people with diverse personalities, perspectives, and strengths as you help a group chart a path forward and work toward their goals.

    Webinar Recordings -  Available free to Members On-Demand

    All of our past webinars are available to members who are logged into iap2usa.org. Just click here and you will be prompted to login to the Webinar Archives.

    October 13 - 2021 IAP2 USA & IAP2 Canada Core Values Award winners: Projects of the Year

    The USA project of the year is the Tualatin Hills Park and Recreation District, Beaverton, and unincorporated Washington County, Oregon, for their project to determine the needs of the 250,000 people served by the P&RD. They returned to the roots of the Park District -- founded by activists to create something that served everyone.

    The Canadian winner was Argyle, for the "Sixties Scoop Healing Foundation". The Foundation was set up to assist Indigenous people who had been taken from their homes as children and placed with non-Indigenous foster parents. Argyle's task was to ensure that the governance and objectives of the Healing Foundation met the needs of the people it was supposed to serve.

    October 22 Special Webinar - COVID-19 and the Impact on P2 

      The COVID-19 pandemic has made a substantial impact on public participation practices. We know that, and now, a research paper by Dr. Stephanie Yates, Professor at University of Quebec at Montreal, and Hugo Mimee, CP3, puts some data behind that. In this webinar, Stephanie and Hugo will discuss their work. They’ll share what they’ve found related to P2 in times of crisis, identify ways of adapting practices in this context, and reflect on the human challenges posed by remote participation. You’ll have a chance to give your reflections on the changing P2 landscape and how the practices developed during the crisis are likely to develop.

      Members can view this and all other webinars in our Webinar Archives.

      November Learning Webinar

      November 9 - Learning Webinar - NAC Encore ”Cancel Culture and Communications Planning - Moving Towards an Accountability Mindset"

      If getting "cancelled" isn't part of your communications planning, it needs to be. In a world where outrage travels fast, the list of organizations and individuals facing the so-called 'cancel culture' backlash grows longer by the day. Managing public engagement in the age of 'cancel culture' is uncharted territory, but addressing calls for accountability has become mission-critical for any public relations strategy to succeed. In this webinar, a reprise of her session at the 2021 IAP2 North American Virtual Conference, Kathryn Kolaczek will explore:

      • The meaning and impact of 'cancel culture'  online and in the real world.
      • The dangers of 'woke-washing' and tone-deaf activism.
      • How organizations can protect themselves from being #cancelled.
      • The way forward: shifting from a 'cancel culture' to an 'accountable culture'.

      All Upcoming Webinars

      If our current courses don't meet your needs please fill out this quick survey so we can help you become the P2 practitioner your community needs.

      Member Spotlight

      If your organization  had any recent P2 successes or thought of creative solutions we want to hear about it! Please contact info@iap2usa.org to be featured on our website or newsletter.

      Copyright ©2010 - present IAP2 USA.

      All rights reserved.