December 2021 Newsletter

From the Executive Manager's Desk - Gail Madziar

This Year in Review

Let’s take a moment to celebrate our IAP2 USA 2021 accomplishments. Membership growth, a commitment to DEI and a new Strategic Plan highlight the year. None of this would be possible without the hard work of our committed leadership and members. Thank you for your support.

Our top ten achievements include:

  1. Grew membership to more than 3,000 members
  2. Committed to equity and delivering on diversity, the organization focused on creating a culture that embodies diversity, equity, and inclusion in who we are and who we serve.
  3. Focused on trainer diversification and growth
  4. A total of 13 chapters and emerging chapters are now part of IAP2 USA.
  5. A number of programs and projects were re-envisioned as the board outlined its strategic plan priorities and timelines in light of the pandemic disruption.
  6. Virtual Training programs were continued and refined
  7. Harmonization process is underway with staff and volunteer involvement
  8. The board and volunteers completed a 2022-2024 Strategic Plan
  9. Achieved a very successful virtual NAC
  10. Completed an Executive Manager Transition Plan

Erin Zimmermann

Holding the number ten spot, Executive Manager Transition Plan, is by no means the least important of our achievements. IAP2 USA is fortunate to bring on board a new Executive Manager as our Strategic Development Manager Erin Zimmermann transitions to the top position on January 1, 2022. Erin brings national association experience and her two years of outstanding work for IAP2 USA overseeing harmonization, training, revenue development, DEI and a number of programs and projects. As the organization continues its transition and growth, your IAP2 staff is ready and eager to advance the mission. Welcome Erin.

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Welcome New IAP2 USA Board Members

Welcome new IAP2 USA Board of Directors Members Cassie Hemphill, Kimberly Horndeski, Josh Stepherson, Coby Williams and Rebecca Zito. Their three-year term runs from January 2022 through December 2024. We welcome back Heather Imboden and Claudia Bilotto for their second term. Thank you to departing board members Cathy Smith, Wendy Lowe, and Natalia Hentschel. We appreciate their service and outstanding contributions to IAP2 USA. 

Congratulations to Cathy Smith who will serve a three-year term as a U.S. Representative on IAP2 International’s Board of Directors.

Call for Trainers

IAP2 USA is seeking new trainers and courses for 2022. Please submit your proposal for new courses by 12/31/2021 for priority scheduling.

To have your course considered:

Submit a Proposal

To become a licensed IAP2 Trainer:

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IAP2 USA - Closed for the Season

   We will be closing this year on December 18, 2021 and reopening January 3, 2022.

   Until then, the IAP2 USA team wishes you all a happy holiday season in every way you choose to spend it. 

Become a Certified Public Participation Professional, CP3

Certification as a Public Participation professional acknowledges your adherence to a strict set of standards recognized around the world for delivering quality, meaningful public participation. It is the premier credential for public participation professionals. 

An Assessment Center is now scheduled for June 10-11, 2022 with an application deadline of February 25, 2022. 

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Featured Course - Pinpointing Your Participation: Stronger Assessments and Better Evaluation 

January 20, 11:30 - 2:30 p.m. EDT

January 19, 2:30 - 5:30 p.m. EDT

Presented by Connected Realities

Joy Lujan

Facilitating effective engagement and teamwork across social and individual differences is becoming a more important part of many leadership roles.  Diverse spaces and teams are critical to the ongoing work of reaching equity and inclusion.  They also present a unique set of interaction challenges that can result in misunderstandings and mistrust that can linger and damage teams if not managed well. 

Le'alani S. Boykin

In this workshop Connected Realities will share simple and effective planning tools and facilitation techniques that will help you to:
  • Understand how social identities and interpersonal dynamics impact meetings and can lead to inequitable participation. 

  • Discover how our individual social identities impact how we facilitate.

  • Create an inclusive meeting environment for all, including how to avoid creating barriers to participation.

  • Create space for participants to hear and understand each other across their differences and perspectives, and move toward achieving desired team outcomes.

January Webinar

January 11 - (Learning Webinar) IAP2 Core Values Award Winners

Learn from the best! Next month's webinar brings together more winners of the 2021 IAP2 Core Values Awards! You'll meet the winner of the USA General Project Category, Salt Lake City, UT, and Avenue Consultants for "Reconstructing 300 West", a major road in the city. Residents along the route were consulted on how to re-build the road and what was needed, moving into the future. 

The Canadian award for Organization of the Year was a timely one: the Manitoba Government for its work to create a P2 "culture" and specifically, to develop EngageMB, to give Manitobans the opportunity to participate in decisions that affect them during the pandemic. 

The award for Respect for Diversity, Inclusion and Culture went to the Vancouver (BC) Coastal Health Authority for "VCH Translation and Interpretation Engagement". VCH serves a region in which a third of the population does not have English as their first language, so this project aims to remove linguistic barriers so people understand health and medical information.


Webinar Recordings -  Available free to Members On-Demand

All of our past webinars are available to members who are logged into Just click here and you will be prompted to login to the Webinar Archives.

December 14 - Learning Webinar - NAC Encore "Storytelling - A Structure for Building a Shared Story and Strategy"

"What happened?" and "What are we going to do about it?" -- two questions we often ask these days, as our communities experience harsher impacts of climate change, social justice strife and an uncertain future. 

In this reprise of her session at the 2021 IAP2 North American Virtual Conference, Cathy Smith looks at storytelling as a way to move from individual perspectives to a collective perspective, as well as to help communities organize information, so that it can be used to develop a shared understanding of challenges, consequences and steps to create new realities.

If our current courses don't meet your needs please fill out this quick survey so we can help you become the P2 practitioner your community needs.

Member Spotlight

If your organization  had any recent P2 successes or thought of creative solutions we want to hear about it! Please contact to be featured on our website or newsletter.

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